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Nursery Database for the Manual (sample)

Nursery Database for the Manual (sample)

This is a free version of the companion database for chapter 8 in the Data Solutions for the Green Industry manual. The Nursery Database contains the following forms:

  • Plants
  • Locations 
  • Inventory
  • Chemicals
  • Recordkeeping
  • Equipment
  • Contacts 
  • Orders 
  • Availability

Beginning with a Plants table and form as demonstrated in chapters 6 and 7, the manual guides the reader through creating a Locations table that, combined with Plants, is used to create an Inventory. Two methods of keeping track of inventory are considered. Next is a demonstration of a Chemicals table which, when combined with Inventory, can be used for Recordkeeping. There is an example of an Equipment table along with related Parts and Maintenance tables. Contacts and Orders tables and their related tables are also explained. Finally, there is a thorough discussion of how to use the Inventory and Orders tables to create an Availability. 

This free sample is fully functional and can be used with Microsoft Access Runtime. There are no time or data limitations; however, table designs and modules are not visible. It is an instructional tool intended for use with the manual. A full version with the database objects and code is also available.

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