Tools for Growth
Managing a farm, nursery, or greenhouse is no easy task, and each operation faces its own challenges. Our goal at Hort 441 is to provide an owner, manager, or grower with tools and skills to meet some of those challenges.
As an industry, we thrive on production - which chemical to use, when to prune, and how much to water - but we often struggle to manage our data. Paper and spreadsheets can become overwhelming, but a more complex solution may be too expensive or seem too complicated.
If you find yourself in this position, consider a desktop database. If you are not sure where to start, let us help. With decades of experience in growing and management, we understand many of the difficulties involved in plant production. A desktop database is a flexible tool for customizing unique solutions to many data storage and management challenges, and it is easier to implement than you might think. Rather than offer only one-size-fits-all solutions, we want to teach you how to overcome your own challenges in your own way. We offer resources to help you design a database that will perfectly fit the needs of your operation.